

Hope is an important component in achieving life goals. Read each sentence carefully and think about how you are in most situations. Select a number which best describes you.

  • 1=Extremely Dissatisfied
  • 2=Very Dissatisfied
  • 3=Somewhat Dissatisfied
  • 4=Mixed
  • 5=Somewhat Satisfied
  • 6=Very Satisfied
  • 7=Extremely Satisfied
How satisfied are you with yourself as a father?(Required)
How satisfied are you with your relationship with your children?(Required)
How satisfied are you with the support you receive to be a good father?(Required)
How satisfied are you with the relationship you have with your child’s mother?(Required)
Overall, how satisfied are you with your current life?(Required)
How satisfied were you with your relationship to your father growing up?(Required)
How satisfied were you with your relationship to your mother growing up?(Required)
How satisfied were you with your childhood?(Required)

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